Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fajita Sunday :)

Today is Fajita Sunday. J and I were inspired by J's birthday dinner at Escalante's and decided to see if we could hack the sizzling fajita recipe.

Hacking recipe's is one of our favorite past times. We'll go to a restaurant, have a bunch of dishes and invariably either J or I will say "I bet we could hack this". About 90% of the time we are able to completely hack the recipe (and a lot of the time we can make it even more awesome). The internet does help a lot though, there are lots of recipe hackers online.

So yesterday J and I went out and got the ingredients that we needed to make sizzling fajitas. When we got back we marinated the beef and made our own guacamole (mmmmmmhhhhhhhh yummy). We let the beef marinate over night.

Anyways enough about the details here is the finished product :).

Oh boy that was so good. Not quite Escalante's good but getting there. I think in about two or three more iterations we should have it perfected :D.

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