Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hurricane Beef Jerky

J and I have been working on getting ready for hurricane season here in southern Texas. Everyone we know has been saying "This will be the worst hurricane season ever". I'm not sure if I believe them so far the weather has been great, but its still early in the season.

Anyways J and I have picked up a bunch of bottled water. We still need to get candles though we've been a bit lazy on that front. We thought we would be creative about non perishable foods to get us through power outages. I came up with the idea of making beef jerky in our oven. We don't need no stinking dehydrator :p.

We got 6.11 pounds of beef shank, cut them up into thin strips and marinated them overnight last Saturday. On Sunday we placed the beef on cookie trays using cookie racks and put them in the oven.

In the end we got about three pounds of beef jerky.

Unfortunately we made the hurricane beef jerky sooooo good that between the two of us it didn't even last one week :(. But that's okay because it just means that we have to make some more :D.

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