J has been really into Happy Net lately. It is the Chinese version of Facebook. J says she likes it better than FB in that it is far more social and allows her to connect with her friends better. I would honestly give it a try if it wasn't all in Chinese.
I know what you are saying "Hey, this is an excellent opportunity for you to learn how to read Chinese. ", and it would be :). Just at the moment I've been busy with other projects. I actually got to get back to learning how to speak Chinese. I've been off the Rossetta Stone wagon for about a month now :(.
Believe me I want to leave Facebook. Using it feels a lot like renting a Mel Gibson movie these days. Yes, I know Mel Gibson can act really well, it's just I keep feeling that I am helping to enable his own craziness. It's the same with Facebook, there are some great features on it, but when I use it I feel like I am rewarding Zuckerburg (which doesn't seem that cool of a thing to do). Maybe I should just open a Twitter account.
Anyways, when J finds something cool on Happy Net she calls me over and says "You got to check this out". This actually happens with a lot more frequency as compared to Facebook. So I am going to share with you guys some of the cooler pics J has shown me over the past week.

The first one is about the buses in Wuhan. I've actually seen this type of thing before in China. It mostly happens because there are multiple competing bus companies literally racing to get to the bus stops first. Whoever gets there first pretty much get all the passengers. As cool as that seems taking a taxi in China is even funner. I really think some times that the taxi drivers are formula 1 rejects.

This next one is Journey to the West goes to McDonalds. The worst part is that the master is buying ice cream for his pupils (psst. It really should be the other way around). I thought my Dad would like this one. My Dad is a huge Journey to the West fan. I have to say in China I like ice cream better from KFC.
Okay, Twitter here I come :)
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