Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wontons and Spring Rolls

Wow, its been a while since my last blog (hehehe). Last weekend was kind of busy. J and I did a bunch of grocery shopping. As well we made a bunch of wontons and for the first time spring rolls.

In case you didn't already know wontons are one of my favorite foods. I was lucky in finding a wife who knows how to make them :). In fact wontons were one of the first foods J made for me even before she knew I liked wontons. I was hooked after that.

So J and I went to Randalls to pickup wonton wraps; they have the best wonton wraps even better than China town. Randalls is what they call Safeway down here in southern Texas. Its really strange they have the same layout (with the exception of the liquor section) and the same in store radio except with Randalls replacing Safeway.

We were picking up some wonton wraps and we saw some spring roll wraps made by the same company and we decided to give those a try. J and I went back home and being good computer scientist as we are look up spring roll recipes on line. We don't need no stinking recipe books :p.

We found a few a recipes and again like good computer scientists we hybridized them. Oh man, we made the best spring rolls. After that I came to the conclusion that Vietnamese restaurants are really ripping you on those appetizers. They are really easy to make. In our case they went great with noodles :)

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