Saturday, July 17, 2010

Movie Night :)

Movie night! Man we love Redbox! Video stores here in southern Texas seem to be going extinct. You really have to search to find one. In Canada we always rented from Blockbuster. Here they aren't popular. We have to try Netflix some time!

Generally we don't know what's good to rent so we scan through the video selection and see what's available (We are not big TV fans despite how much AT&T try to make us ones.) and rent ones that have interesting covers. We do have some rules though:

1) No Mel Gibson movies (That guy is becoming too crazy).
2) No Jessica Alba movies (She never makes good movies and if she is in a movie with other decent actors she is usually the anchor dragging the movie down).
3) We flip a coin on Tom Cruise movies (He seems to becoming less crazy by comparison).
4) No Sarah Jessica Parker movies (We have yet to see a movie that she is in that contains a plot).
5) No Ashton Kutcher movies (We admit he is funny, but suffers the same curse that Sarah Jessica Parker has in being in movies with little to no plot).

Well off to make some popcorn and snuggle up on the couch :).

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