Saturday, July 31, 2010

Helping our friend X move and other fun things

Today J and I helped our friends X and G move to their new apartments. So we got up as early as we could manage on a Saturday which means 8 o'clock. It was mildly hot this morning which means it was scorching by Canadian standards. The move went much faster than I thought it would and it was more fun than I originally thought it would be. I guess when you are around good friends even a chore doesn't seem so bad.

Afterwards, we decided to go for a nice lunch in China town and did some grocery shopping. The restaurant that we went to gives out Texas size portions so we usually just order two dishes (of which J and I can not completely finish though we come close.)

China town has the best veggies, as well, its the only place where you can get fresh duck (yummy). I am so glad J and I have a Texas size refrigerator :p

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